
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Ingredients :

1 kg fresh noodles
500 g chicken fillet ~ sliced
10 fishballs
5 pieces fish cakes
250 g prawns
Chinese cabbage or any green leaves vegetable
1 carrot
100 g cauliflower
1/2 cup oyster sauce
6 garlics ~ pounded
6 bird eye chillie ~ pounded
10 black peppercorns
1/4 cup thick soya sauce
1/4 cup tomato sauce
3 tablespoons cornflour ~ mixed with a bit of water
salt to taste

Method :

1. Blanch the fresh noodles and keep aside.
2. Heat oil in the wok and add in the pounded garlic and bird eye chillie. Stir till fragrant.
3. Add in the prawns, chicken fillet, fish balls, fish cake and enough water. Let it boil.
4. Add in the oyster sauce, thick soya sauce, tomato sauce and the cornflour mixture.
5. When boiling, add in the vegetables and cook till the vegetables soften.
6. To serve : Place noodles in a serving plate and pour the gravy on top. Garnish with spring onion and crispy fried onion.


Ingredients :

110 g macaroni
1.25 litre water
50 g butter
40 g flour
425 ml fresh milk
175 g Cheddar cheese ~ grated
4 pieces chicken fillet ~ grilled and chop finely
50 g mushroom ~ sliced
1 onion ~ chopped
black pepper ~ crushed
2 tomatoes ~ cut to small pieces

Method :

1. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to water and bring to boil.
2. Pour in the macaroni and boil for about 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain.
3. In another pot, melt 50g butter and add in flour. Stir for about 1 to 2 minutes and pour in the milk, bit by bit. Cook for about 6 minutes.
4. Add in half the grated cheese and let it melt in the sauce.
5. Add in salt and black pepper to taste.
6. In a small pan, melt a bit of butter and saute chopped onion and mushroom till soft.
7. Mix well macaroni, sauce, onion, mushroom and chicken.
8. Pour into a well greased 1.25 liter casserole. Sprinkle the balance cheese and arrange the tomatoes on top.
9. Grill in the oven till golden brown on top.


Ingredients :

500 g fresh noodles
100 g beef fillets ~ sliced thinly
100 g fish cake ~ sliced thinly
1 cup bean sprouts
1 bowl bak choy
3 teaspoons chilli paste (more if you want it to be hot)
1 tablespoon curry powder
3 tablespoons dark soya sauce

2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 onion ~ finely chopped
1 cup egg whites
3 fresh green chillies ~ sliced

Method :

1. Heat wok and add in oil. When oil is hot, add in the chopped onion, chilie paste and curry powder. Fry till fragrant.
2. Add in the sliced beef and mix well.
3. Add in fish cake. Stir.
4. Pour in the soya sauce and add in the noodles. Mix well.
5. Add in bean sprouts and bak choi.
6. Push aside the fried noodle and pour in the egg whites.
7. Let the egg white slightly cooked before mixing the noodles.
8. Garnish and ready to serve.


Ingredients :

Dried fish ~ fried
Potato ~ peeled, sliced and fried
Fresh chillie or bird eye chillie (cili padi)
Salt to taste

Method :

1. Pound fresh chillie, shallots and salt.
2. In a wok, heat a bit of oil. Add in the pounded ingredients.
3. Fry till fragrant then add in the fried fish and potato.
4. Mix well and dish to serve.


Ingredients :

Prawns ~ marinate with tumeric powder, paprika, salt and vineger
Garlic ~ crushed
Chillie paste ~ according to how hot you want it to be
Ginger ~ sliced
Tomato sauce
Tomato ~ diced
Green pepper/capsicum ~ diced
Young corns ~ sliced
Onion ~ cut into rings
Oil for cooking

Method :

1. Heat a bit of oil. When the oil is hot, add in the prawns. Fry till the prawns changes color. Remove and set aside.
2. Using the same wok, add a bit of oil if it's not enough. Add in garlic and ginger. Fry till fragrant and add in the chillie paste.
3. Pour in tomato sauce and stir well. Add in sugar and salt to taste.
4. Add in the young corns, followed by green pepper, tomato and onion.
5. Add in water if it's too dry.
6. Ready to serve.


Ingredients :

3 cups flour
1 cup water
2 tablespoons condensed milk
1 level teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 tablespoon margarine

Method :

1. Mix water, milk, salt and egg.
2. Pour mixture into flour and knead for about 25 minutes or till smooth dough is formed.
3. Mould into small round balls and coat with margarine.
4. Keep in a container in the fridge for at least 8 hours.
5. Spread (tebar as we say it in Malay) each ball on a smooth surface to form a very thin layer. Fold the four sides into the middle and fry.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Ingredients :

10 g China grass powder (serbuk agar-agar)
3 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1/2 cup water
1 litre Dutch Lady Chocolate Milk

Method :

1. Mix well 1 tablespoon cocoa powder with 1/2 cup water. Strain.
2. Boil China grass with 3 cups water.
3. When boiling, add in the sugar and cocoa mixture.
4. Let it boil for a little while more then remove from heat.
5. Add in the chocolate flavoured milk and stir well.
6. Pour the mixture onto a pyrex dish or a tray and leave to set.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Puding Jagung


1 cawan tepung kastad
1 cawan jagung manis
3/4 cawan gula
3 cawan air
1 1/2 cawan susu cair


1. Campurkan tepung kastad, gula, jagung, susu dan air.
2. Lepas itu dikacau sehingga pekat dan berkilat di atas api yang sederhana hingga sebati.
3. Angkat dan sejukkan di dalam loyang atau acuan dan boleh lah dihias dengan buah ceri dll.

Puding Roti

Bahan-bahan ( 3-4 orang )

4 / lebih keping roti, disapu mentega
450ml susu segar
3 biji telur
25g gula
1 sudu besar tepung kastard

Kaedah memasak:

1. Potong roti dan susun di dalam loyang.
2. Panaskan susu di atas api(jangan sampai mendidih).
3. Pukul telur dan gula sampai kembang dan masukkan susu yang telah dipanaskan.
4. Masukkan tepung kastard dan kacau hingga sebati.
5. Tuang campuran atas susunan roti. Biarkan selama 15min supaya roti kembang.
6. Bakar 20-30min pada suhu 180 darjah Celcius. Kemudian sejukkan.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007



5 – 10 pieces of (not too ripe) bananas (pisang lemak manis preferable)
5 or more pieces of prunes
5 or more pieces of red cherries


1 liter of milk
2 tablespoons of condensed milk
1 teaspoon cornflour
1 egg (beaten softly)
125 ml water


1. Fry the bananas in cooking oil (just a short while in low heat) until they turn a little dark yellowish (not fried). Then take them out and put aside on a plate. If available, spread the "jala mas" on top of the bananas.

2. The sauce or gravy ingredients are blended and mixed together and then boiled in a pot. Stir them well while cooking until the sauce becomes a little thick.


1. Let the sauce or gravy cool before pouring them on the bananas and other fruits. Ready to serve.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Ingredients :

1 kg tiger prawns
15 bird eyes chillie*
3 shallots*
1 inch fresh tumeric*
2 cups thick coconut milk
2 pieces tumeric leaves
3 fresh tomatoes ~ quartered
salt to taste

Method :

1. Pound/blend all the * ingredients.
2. Put all the ingredients except the tomatoes in a pot and let it boil.
3. Add in the tomato and taste the salt.
4. Serve with plain white rice.
Note: Tomatoes can be replaced with pineapple.


Ingredients :

4 onion ~ pounded
3 garlic ~ pounded
1 onion ~ sliced (ring)
3 tablespoons chili paste
a bit of tamarind juice
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
a bit of dark soy sauce
salt and sugar to taste
a few squids
5 prawns
a bit of chicken fillet ~ sliced
carrot ~ sliced
slanting long beans
kaffir leaves (daun limau purut)

Method :

1. Saute pounded onion and garlic till fragrant.
2. Add in chilli paste and fry till chilli is well cooked. Add in oyster sauce and dark soy sauce.
3. Add in tamarind juice and stir till thick.
4. Add in carrots and cook till carrots are tender.
5. Add in chicken fillet and the other vegetables.
6. Add in squids, prawns and kaffir leaves.
7. Add in the ring onions.
8. Finally, add in salt and sugar to taste.
9. To be served with white rice.